Ethics Versus Following The Rules: Katharine Hamilton And Ethics

Government & Politics Blog

When each institution is permitted to write its own rules of ethics as well as decide how to prosecute ethics violations, it should be no surprise that ethics is a nebulous concept at best. When looking at the allegations that Katharine Hamilton breached the College of DuPage's code of ethics, you have to consider whether the school's rules of ethics are ethical.  A Brief Look at Civil Disobedience Many people define ethical behavior as abiding by the rules.

12 May 2016

Thinking Of Starting Your First Political Campaign? 3 Mistakes To Avoid

Government & Politics Blog

When you think of starting your first political campaign, there is a lot for you to do. It can be easy to make some mistakes along the way. Here are a few mistakes that you should avoid when you jump into the political fray. 1. Assume the Party Will Help You Your political party will likely check in with you from time to time, but don't make the mistake of thinking that they will run your campaign for you.

23 July 2015